Jumat, 15 April 2016

The Recipe Makes A Cake Steamed Apem Blooming Specials

The cake wet market sold traditional one is cake apem is tender and soft. The cake is a moist cake apem many popular snack is also very easy for us to get. The cake is usually served to guests or for family turns out to be a hungry stomach being Scotch. This cake has a unique shape also has a quite interesting because the blooms resemble roses. You can process apem cake by way of using brown sugar or granulated sugar. www.detektifrasa.com/99-resep-kue-apem-khas-nusantara/ Apem has brown sugar cake taste better when compared to white sugar brown sugar cake because apem has its own distinctive aroma. However, if you makethis cake with sugar you can mengkerasikannya with a whole range of colors. However, this sugar apem cake it's not that bad, it was still tasty however the cake apemgranulated sugar are not typical scent of sugar he used and the benefits can be combined with the beautiful color as a rainbow.

The Recipe Makes A Cake Steamed Apem Blooming Specials


2 tablespoons instant yeast
500 gr flour
rice flour 350 gr
granulated sugar 1/2 kg
900 ml coconut milk
salt 1/2 teaspoon
food coloring to taste to taste
pandan leaves 2 pieces (made the knot)

1. boil the coconut milk with the salt together with pandan leaves to boil above a small fire while diaduk-aduk

2. Lift the boiled coconut milk then let stand until cold

3. Mix all the flour with sugar, salt and yeast, stirring until evenly instant

4. pour coconut milk stew that is already cold into the mix the flour little by little

5. Stir-stir the ingredients mixed in coconut milk until the batter becomes thick

6. stir in the food coloring to taste and then mix again until evenly

7. Let the dough for 1 hour until the dough

8. Preheat the mold apem then pour batter into apem

9. close the top of the langseng then wait a few minutes until cooked approximatelyduring 25 minutes

10. Lift the apem and release from the mold and then serve

To get the recipe and how to make Cake Steamed Tender so that Apem have the results a more savory you can add shredded coconut cake served at the moment so that it has a sense of the apem more savory with coconut parutnya.

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